I've been on a bit of a hiatus between my bout with poison ivy and a trip back home, but I'm now working on returning to the land of family history blogging. As I work on scanning in the many old family photos that were around my grandpa's house, I present you with today's random person: Martha Anne Watson.
My 4x great grandmother Martha was baptized Martha Anne Watson on the 31st of August 1788 in Market Weighton, Yorkshire, England. Her baptism record lists no father and her mother as Anne Watson. Meaning this was, obviously, a case of a single mother in the late 18th century.
Fortunately for me, other researchers had already uncovered her paternity. Martha's father was one Philip Witty, as evidenced by a bastardy bond stating Philip was ordered to pay Anne 20 pounds for the bastardy child Martha (source: fellow Crakes researcher Amy Bernicken). Anne later married Joseph Marshall in 1792, and Martha went by Martha Marshall.
On March 4, 1810, Martha married Francis Crakes in Shipton by Thorpe, Yorkshire. Daughter Jane was supposedly christened on the 20th of that same month. It is not certain if these dates are in error, or if Martha and Francis quickly married before their eldest child was born. Francis and Martha and their family eventually made their way to Indiana. Daughter Jane married George Bowman Smith and later followed her family to Indiana with her own young family.
Fun fact: My 2x great grandfather is named Watson Marshall Smith. He also had an uncle Watson Crakes.
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